bobbing BOBBING St Bartholomew
6, 8-2-21 in Ab. GF.
Practice night: . No regular ringing
Tower Contact: Rev. David Ridley
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01795 426753
Dove details
borden BORDEN SS Peter & Paul
8, 22 cwt approx. in Eb. UC.
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Vivien Smith
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07936 273495
Dove details
 bredgar BREDGAR St John the Baptist
6, 9-1-6 in G. GF. WC.
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30-21:00.
Tower Contact: Ian Hubble
Contact Phone No: 01622 884601
Dove details
chalk CHALK St Mary
6, 5-2-17 in C. UC. WC.
Practice night: Friday 19:00 (confirm before attending). Large car park
Tower Contact: Michael Wilkinson
Contact Phone No: 01474 356072
Dove details
cliffe CLIFFE St Helen
8, 13-2-10 in Eb. UC.
Practice night: Friday 19:00. Side access doors to church close at 19:30.
Tower Contact: Wendy M Sisterson
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 221970
Dove details
cobham COBHAM St Mary Magdalene
6, 13-3-13 in E. UC. WC (if church is open).
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30 (confirm before attending).
Tower Contact: Peter Hartley
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01474 814488
Dove details
cuxton CUXTON St Michael & All Angels
6, 7-1-21 in A. GF.
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30 except last Wednesday of month due to ringing at Halling. Twitter: @cuxtonbells
Tower Contact: Neil Jerome
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07593052135
Dove details
eastchurch EASTCHURCH All Saints
6, 10-0-7 in G. OG.
Practice night: 1st & 3rd Monday 19:45.
Tower Contact: Parish Office
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01795 333900
Dove details
frindsbury FRINDSBURY All Saints
8, 15-2-4 in F. UC. WC.
Practice night: 1st Wednesday 19:30 (confirm before attending).
Tower Contact: Stephen Young
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07767747130
Dove details
frinsted FRINSTED St Dunstan
6, 6-1-1 in A. GF.
Practice night: Monday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Malcolm Major
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01622 884417
Dove details
gillingham GILLINGHAM St Mary Magdalene
8, 11-1-18 in F#. UC.
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Jean Andrews
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 362255
Dove details
grain GRAIN St James
4, 4-1-12 in D. Frame for 6. GF.
Practice night: . No regular ringing
Tower Contact: Veronica Cordier
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 271674
Dove details
gravesend GRAVESEND St George
8, 18-1-6 in E. UC.
Practice night: Tuesday 7.30 - 9.00.
Tower Contact: Hazel Clarke
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07736351326
Dove details
halling HALLING St John the Baptist
6, 11-0-0 in F#. Frame for 8. GF. WC.
Practice night: Last Wednesday of each month @ 730pm.
Tower Contact: Neil Jerome
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07593 052135
Dove details
 hartlip HARTLIP St Michael & All Angels
6, 12-0-20 in F#. UC.
Practice night: By arrangment, phone to enquire.
Tower Contact: David Berry (churchwarden)
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07788 446543
Dove details
high_halstow HIGH HALSTOW St Margaret
6, 9-2-17 in Ab. GF.
Practice night: 2nd and 4th Saturdays 10:30 - 12:00 (confirm before attending)..
Tower Contact: June Collins
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 250105
Dove details
 higham HIGHAM St John the Evangelist
6, 6-0-0 in Bb. UC.
Practice night: 1st Saturday 10:30-12:00, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday 19:30-21:00 (confirm before attending). Ringing Simulator installed for Wednesday evening practice please confirm before attending
Tower Contact: Ivo Wengraf
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
hoo HOO ST WERBURGH St Werburgh
8, 15-3-6 in Eb. Anticlockwise. GF. WC.
Practice night: Monday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Arthur D Vidgeon
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 250265
Dove details
meopham MEOPHAM St John the Baptist
8, 12-1-10 in F#. UC.
Practice night: Thursday 19:30 (confirm before attending - John Gander 01474 814557).
Tower Contact: Yvonne Gander
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01474 814557
Dove details
8, 11-3-2 in F#. UC.
Practice night: . No regular ringing, limited availability.
Tower Contact: Rev Graham Herbert
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
milton_regis MILTON REGIS Holy Trinity
8, 9-2-24 in G. UC. WC.
Practice night: Tuesday 7:30.
Tower Contact: Paul Fagg
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
minster_in_sheppey MINSTER-IN-SHEPPEY SS Mary & Sexburgha
6, 10-2-0 in G. OG.
Practice night: Friday 19:30.
Tower Contact: The Parish Office
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01795 871500
Dove details
newington_next_sittingbourne NEWINGTON-NEXT-SITTINGBOURNE St Mary the Virgin
6, 11-3-6 in F#. UC. WC.
Practice night: Monday 19.30.
Tower Contact: David Lane (Churchwarden)
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
northfleet NORTHFLEET St Botolph
8, 14-0-10 in F. Anticlockwise. UC. WC (usually).
Practice night: Fridays 7.30pm.
Tower Contact: Amanda Horrobin
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07842673734
Dove details
queenborough QUEENBOROUGH Holy Trinity
6, 5-2-21 in B. UC.
Practice night: Saturday 10:00 - 11:00.
Tower Contact: Val Reckless
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
rainham RAINHAM St Margaret
8, 18-0-20 in Eb. UC. WC (if church is open).
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Diana R Wraight
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 233015
Dove details
rochester_cathedral ROCHESTER Cathedral Church of Christ & BVM
10, 30-0-14 in D. UC. WC.
Practice night: Thursday 19:30 with exceptions. Please confirm before attending. Access until 19:45..
Tower Contact: Neil Jones (Captain)
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07881 940254
Dove details
rochester_st_margaret ROCHESTER St Margaret
8, 9-2-8 in Gb. GF. WC.
Practice night: Friday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Jayne Vousden
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07903 384868
Dove details
rodmersham RODMERSHAM St Nicholas
6, 9½ cwt approx. in G. UC.
Practice night: Thursday 19:30.
Tower Contact: John Fisher
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07951 225638
Dove details
shorne SHORNE SS Peter & Paul
6, 9-2-0 in A. Frame for 8. GF. WC.
Practice night: Wednesday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Celia Burns
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01474 397887
Dove details
 sittingbourne SITTINGBOURNE St Michael
8, 19-0-6 in E. UC.
Practice night: Thursday 7pm.
Tower Contact: Gill Rapley
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 07954 437061
Dove details
southfleet SOUTHFLEET St Nicholas
6, 12 cwt approx. in G. Anticlockwise. UC.
Practice night: . Bells unringable for the foreseeable future
Tower Contact: Peter Joyce
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
stockbury STOCKBURY St Mary Magdalene
5, 12 cwt approx. in F#. UC.
Practice night: . Ringing by arrangement
Tower Contact: Colin Prior
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01795 843507
Dove details
stone_by_dartford STONE-NEXT-DARTFORD St Mary the Virgin
6, 8-0-1 in A. UC.
Practice night: Thursday 19:30.
Tower Contact: George Adair
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01322 276597 or 07712 891740
Dove details
swanscombe SWANSCOMBE SS Peter & Paul
8, 18-0-5 in F. GF. WC.
Practice night: Monday 19:30.
Tower Contact: Rev Charlie Lloyd-Evans
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01322 383160
Dove details
 tunstall TUNSTALL St John the Baptist
8, 10-1-8 in G. GF. WC.
Practice night: Friday 20:00-21:15.
Tower Contact: Helen Handy
Contact Email: (Email)
Dove details
upchurch UPCHURCH St Mary the Virgin
6, 12-1-14 in F#. GF. WC.
Practice night: Thursday 7:30pm. Confirm before attending
Tower Contact: Norman Easterbrook
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 371230
Dove details
wormshill WORMSHILL St Giles
6, 3-1-15 in E. GF.
Practice night: 1st Saturday 09:30 (confirm before attending). A light 6 for which the front three can be a bit flighty for inexperienced ringers but the back three should be manageable by all.
Tower Contact: Jane Bass
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01622 884233
Dove details
wouldham WOULDHAM All Saints
6, 11-3-18 in G. GF. WC.
Practice night: .
Tower Contact: Priest in Charge: Rev Nicola Rawlins
Contact Email: (Email)
Contact Phone No: 01634 393836
Dove details

Some photos courtesy of Dickon Love @ Lovesguide