An ART M1 training course has been organised for Sat 13th May at Meopham from 9am until 5pm.
Module 1 – Bell handling
Module 1 provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to take a ringer from their first lesson to having competent bell control.
You will learn through a mixture of practical and theory sessions:
- How to teach a skill
- How to break down bell handling into easy stages that a new ringer can master
- About different learning styles and how to adapt your teaching for them
- The benefits of intensive teaching
The practical sessions will give you plenty of time to practise your new skills in a safe environment. Working in pairs you will also have opportunity to hone your observation skills and get feedback on your feedback.
If you want to attend then the link is:
The link takes you to the event. KCACR members have the first option until 19th April but you will need the PIN 1650 in order to register. After this time it then becomes open to anyone.
For anyone new to the events site, the first time you book, you will need to register on the home page first and set yourselves up with a username and password, then you can sign up for the Meopham course or anything else you’d like to attend in future.
If anyone has any problems registering, please email and one of their team will respond quickly. Several people monitor that email account so hopefully it’ll be answered fairly quickly which hopefully avoids course delegates who are having problems getting frustrated with technology (it can happen!)
It would be nice to get a few more ART accredited teachers in Kent as they are few and far between currently.
The course costs £25 but if you want then the cost of this can be claimed back from the County Treasurer.
Hope that’s everything but if any problems then let me know.
KCACR Training Officer