Read more…"/> Ashford District Update May 2023 – Kent County Association of Change Ringers
  • Next District Meeting: This will be on Saturday 20th May 2023, at St Augustine, Brookland [TN29 9QP], between 10:30 and 12:30. This will be a practice meeting only. At January’s meeting, it was proposed an informal district striking competition could be held at this meeting, but there wasn’t much interest from towers when I asked around.
  • Safeguarding: Recently, the Diocese of Canterbury has sent out a message on safeguarding, which I know has raised some questions. The advice is (if you haven’t already) to discuss this with your local parish safeguarding officer, as they should be able to advise on any queries you have. Information can also be found on the KCACR website:  Safeguarding Resources – Kent County Association of Change Ringers (
  • Coronation Ringing: If you’re submitting Coronation Ringing to BellBoard, there is a KCACR BellBoard event
  • District Outing: The plans for the district outing are being finalised and hopefully with you soon. This will be around Hartfield, East Sussex on the 24th of June 2023.