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Notice of an EGM of the Association on 22 June to change the Bell Restoration Fund Rules

Following agreement of 50% of the KCACR General Committee, according to Rule 6(ii) of the Association Rules, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Association is being called on Saturday, 22 June, at 12 noon. The venue for the EGM will be the Waterloo Tower at Quex Park, Birchington, and the EGM is to take place following the 8-bell striking competition (but before results are announced).

This EGM is being called in accordance with rule 8 of the Bell Restoration Fund Rules, which clearly state:

‘No alteration, addition or deletion shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting of the Association or at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association especially called for the purpose. Notice of any proposed alteration or addition to or deletion of these rules shall be given to the General Secretary of the Association at least one calendar month prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.’

The purpose of the EGM is to propose to change the wording of both Rule 2 and Rule 6 of the Bell Restoration Fund Rules.

Current wording

Rule 2:

2) The object of the fund shall be to advance the Christian religion by providing financial assistance to churches in the county of Kent or that part of London formerly in the county of Kent for the purpose of maintaining and improving their bell installations by the making of grants from the fund.

Rule 6:

6) In the event of the dissolution of the fund the assets of the fund shall be distributed equally among those churches which at the time of dissolution were in union with the Association for the charitable and religious purposes of the said churches

Reasoning for the changes

Rule 2

The reason for the change is that some organisations and companies are no longer able to sponsor or support projects that are supporting religious activities. There has recently been a successful bell restoration project which lost a potential donor because of rule 2. Whilst bells are rung for church services, one can argue that the activities of the Association are not actually religious, rather that we are supporting the church through ringing bells. It is therefore proposed that the wording of Rule 2 in the Bell Restoration Fund Rules is changed so that it no longer includes the phrase ‘advance the Christian religion’. 

Rule 2 and 6 reference to churches
In addition to the churches that fall within the boundaries of the Association, there are some rings of bells that are housed in redundant churches, such as St Alphege in Canterbury, and there are also some secular rings of bells, notably the Waterloo Tower at Quex Park. With the likelihood that more churches are going to close in the future, we feel that it would be prudent to include the term ‘towers’ as well as ‘churches’ within the definitions of what the BRF can support. Consequently, we would like to add ‘towers’ to both Rule 2 and Rule 6.

Proposed changes

Rule 2:

2) The object of the fund shall be to provide financial assistance to towers and churches in the county of Kent or that part of London formerly in the county of Kent for the purpose of maintaining and improving their bell installations by the making of grants from the fund.

Rule 6.

6) In the event of the dissolution of the fund the assets of the fund shall be distributed equally among those towers and churches which at the time of dissolution were in union with the Association for the charitable and religious purposes of the said towers and churches.

Please direct any queries to KCACR Chairman Neil Jones () or KCACR Genera Secretary Joanne Pohl ()