We are considering holding a Minor Methods training session on the evening of Monday 31st March at Bobbing, but before we confirm this we would like to see the level of interest from around the District.
Originally this training session was planned for the morning of Saturday 1st March however both myself and Chris (Ringing Masters) are unavailable then, hence why we thought we would try for an alternative date and time when we could both be there to support it.
The idea of this session is to give people the opportunity to ring plain minor methods apart from Plain Bob – for example, St. Clements or Double Oxford. We are happy to cater for people who want to ring Plain Bob Minor as well if that is the level they are currently at.
Ideally we would like to have a 2 hour session starting at 7pm, but as we know people do work and need to get home etc. before heading out, we can always start at 7.30pm if that suits people better.
So, if you would be interested in attending this training session, please let either myself or Chris Trafford know ASAP stating which time(s) would work for you and we will see if there is enough interest to hold it.
Many thanks,
Secretary & Ringing Master.