The Rochester district outing 2010 has been another ‘roaring’ success. This year it was held around the Ashdown Forest, Sussex where A.A. Milne lived and was inspired to write ‘Winnie-
Fifteen ringers from the district (and two from Maidstone) ventured out on a beautiful sunny day to ring some bells, enjoy a pub lunch and play a game of ‘Poohsticks’.
The ringing was of a very good standard, ranging from rounds & call changes, plain hunt, Grandsire, Stedman, Double Norwich and even spliced surprise major.
The tour started at Lingfield (Surrey) before ringing the 12 bells at East Grinstead.
This was followed by a smallwalk in the countryside to the infamous ‘Poohsticks Bridge’ where two rounds were played and won by Peter Hartley (Cobham) and Ray Morgan (Rochester Cathedral) respectively.
As the organiser of the outing I would like to express my thanks to all those who came along and showed their support, as well as to the secretaries at the towers who allowed our visit. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did, and I hope I didn’t tire you out too much!
I am also pleased to say that £22 remained after tower fees and will be donated to the KCACR bell restoration fund.
Thanks again everyone, and here’s to next year!