A group of 4 students and 9 helpers gathered at Upchurch on Saturday 2nd February for a training session entitled ‘Beyond Plain Bob Doubles’. The aim of the session was to provide theory and practical training to help the students confidently ring St. Simon’s Bob Doubles and Stedman Doubles with singles.
The session started promptly at 10am with Ringing Master Diana Wraight getting to work on the theory of St. Simon’s with the group, whilst the helpers provided the ‘background music’ in the form of a practical demonstration of the method on the bells. The theory session aimed to create an awareness of the structure of the more complex methods beyond Plain Bob. For example, noting where you pass the treble and which bells you particularly work with in dodging and making places over. With the theory complete, it was time to put it into practice. Each student took their turn to ring 2 courses of the method inside, followed by ringing 2 courses from the treble to allow them to see the work being done on the inside bells from the trebles’ point of view. This proved to be very successful with all 4 being able to ring the method with little or no guidance from the helpers.
With the first half of the session complete, it was time for tea and coffee provided by Diana and shortbread brought along by the Chairman, Margaret Funnell – and very nice it all was too!
With time moving on, the next theory session on Stedman with singles began with both Tim and Diana Wraight leading the way. Again, a practical demonstration occurred whilst the theory was happening to keep the helpers warm & make sure they actually knew what they were doing as well! Theory over, and the students all took a turn at ringing the touch of Stedman from the treble which was purposely called to be affected by the conductor. It was clear that Stedman is not as easy to grasp as St. Simon’s, but everyone managed to get through the touch eventually even if it was at the second attempt.
Overall, the session was very successful and it was felt that all those that attended went away with the knowledge and confidence to ring both methods when they next had the opportunity.
Thanks must go to all the students for taking part, to the helpers who came along to ring and for Diana for organising the whole thing.
Below are some pictures and video from the training session. The next will be ‘Calling Grandsire’, to be held at Chalk on 4th May. More details to follow.
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Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Player which you can get here.