Highlights from the General Committee meeting held on 25th November are as follows:
- The Treasurer advised that monies available in the General Fund are low. It is likely that a recommendation will be made to the AGM that all subscriptions go into the General Fund. Consideration is also being given to an increase in subscriptions and to start requiring subscriptions (not full) from members over 65 years old.
- There are 2 ART Module 1 courses scheduled in Kent during the first quarter of 2018. Another bell maintenance course is also being considered for the New Year.
- Diocesan Safeguarding Training is now being delivered in the Canterbury Diocese, Rochester will follow soon. The KCACR still needs to focus on following best practice guidance already available.
- The trailer has been delivered for the mobile ring, however storage is now required for this & the other KCACR trailer before work can commence. An offer is on the table and being investigated.
- The Kent Young Ringers are flourishing, meeting regularly and making steady progress including ringing quarter peals. Next year the Youth Competition is due to be in the Canterbury District.
- The KCACR Census has been ongoing since the beginning of November, and when the information comes back in December the information will be collated by the Chairman, Secretary, Peal Secretary & David Grimwood.
- The Handbook update process is underway with people using the website to update their tower details as requested. Mixed feedback had been received about the decision to stop providing the paper handbook for free to members, however the General Committee are standing by this decision and will proceed as planned.
- Following feedback on the proposed rule changes at the ADMs in October, some minor drafting amendments will be made ready for the AGM in 2018 to make them clearer.
- The County 8-bell Striking Competition 2018 will be held on Saturday 30th June 9.45am draw in the Maidstone District and the method will be Erin Triples.
- The County 6-bell Striking Competition 2018 will be held on 22nd September 9.45am draw in the Rochester District.
- The date of the Youth Competition will be considered by the Youth Officer.
- The General Committee will meet in 2018 on 24th February, 28th April, 28th July and 24th November.
Doug Davis