KYR at Staplehurst this afternoon.. a big welcome to Olivia, Rebecca and Maisie. They coped really well with a bit of a mad afternoon. Especially well done to Dylan and Olivia for successfully ringing Plain Hunt x7 and x9, and to Rebecca for really getting to grips with rounds on 10 at such an early stage of her ringing career. These 3 get the “Challenge” bags of mini eggs that I had in my bag. Lots of R & CC, plain hunt x7, x 9 and a course of Grandsire Caters…. well done to Boo on the 2nd.
Numbers increased suddenly with 5 more happy teens arriving 20 mins after the start, having rung a QP of Cambridge & P B Minor at East Peckham on the way (as you do!), and Callum arrived a little later having rung the treble to a QP of Doubles to celebrate his birthday on Monday.