15th Feb:
2-4pm KYR at Aylesford: 11 present. A warm welcome to Lola who came for the first time. Ringing ranged from R &CC through Plain Hunt, P B Triples and Major, Stedman Triples and Cambridge Major(2 adults)
Tues 18th Feb: Team 2020 practice (striking technique skills) and a Quarter Peal of Plain Bob Major at Chevening with Jen Thomas & Nick Wilkins(many thanks to Nick for standing in at very late notice, followed by a Quarter Peal of Grandsire Triples at Eynsford(with Jen Thomas), both called by Jamie Austin.
Thurs 20th Feb: Squad bowling at Maidstone; the winners were Shona Clark and Ben Legg! fWe followed this with a Squad 2020 practice at Staplehurst (Skills and test piece practice)and QP attempt Stedman Triples (with Ben Legg and Jen Thomas)
Other notable quarter peals rung at the weekend were:
Laura Byrne: London S Major and Double Norwich Court Bob Major.
Jamie Austin: Beverley S Minor
Amber Cusick: Handbell QP ringing 7-8 to Plain Bob Major.
Congratulations to all 3