The General Committee, led by David Grimwood, are putting forward a proposal for the 2021 AGM to make the KCACR into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.  The formal proposal reads:

‘That the KCACR be registered with the Charity Commission as a charitable incorporated organisation, and merged with Registered Charity No. 261294 The Kent County Association of Change Ringers’ Bell Restoration Fund’

As part of our virtual 2020 AGM, a session was held to discuss this and the following slides were presented to those that attended:

Charity 720 revised

David Grimwood has now also produced a draft constitution which can be read below or downloaded from here.  This is based on the template CIO constitution provided by the Charity Commission, with minor tweaks to make it work for the KCACR – the idea being that, by following the template, it will be accepted far more easily by the Charity Commission as they have effectively already approved the bulk of its content.

Please read the document thoroughly, and if you have any questions or concerns please contact the General Secretary.

Constitution 820