
Kent Young Ringers February Half-term 2020

15th Feb: 2-4pm KYR at  Aylesford: 11 present. A warm welcome to Lola who came for the first time. Ringing ranged from R &CC through Plain Hunt, P B Triples…

KCACR AGM page updated

The AGM page has now been updated with details of the AGM to be held this year at St Nicholas, Chislehurst on Easter Monday, 13th April. This includes details for…
kcacr_logo – Lewisham district 120 club

Lewisham District – New 120 Club year

There is only one more draw this year – in March. So now is the time to renew membership There are 10 draws during the year. Shares are £10 and…
Lewisham District – Lewisham

District Practice at Lewisham

There was a good turnout of 16 for the district practice at Lewisham last Saturday morning. It was good to see so many of the local band there. A good…

Memorial Service for Peter Borer RIP

There will be a private cremation service for family only on Monday 9th March. Immediately following that there will be a memorial service at All Saints Maidstone starting at 11.15…