Summary of Current Church Guidance and Central Council Advice on Reducing Risk in Towers
11th May 2020
Ringing and chiming Ringers should not enter the church or tower for chiming, ringing or any other purpose under any circumstances unless they are the one “appointed person” for that…
Tonbridge District 120 Club – May draw
Richard Dyson
6th May 2020
Many thanks again to Ray Taylor for running the latest draw for the Tonbridge 120 Club, which would have taken place at the District 6-bell striking competition last weekend. The results…
COVID-19 and ringing Central Council position statement May 5th 2020
5th May 2020
It is expected that the UK Government will announce plans for a gentle easing of the current lockdown on Sunday May 10th and ringers have already been asking if that…
Stephen Davis – Online Funeral arrangements
5th May 2020
As everyone will be aware, holding a ‘normal’ funeral during these extraordinary circumstances is basically impossible. Funeral services being broadcast online are now more common, and this has been arranged…
COVID-19 and ringing: Central Council position statement May 5th 2020
5th May 2020
It is expected that the UK Government will announce plans for a gentle easing of the current lockdown on Sunday May 10th and ringers have already been asking if that…