Peter Skinner RIP
Rupert Cheeseman
11th March 2020
It is with great sadness that I have to pass on the news that Peter Skinner, tower captain at St Nicholas, Chislehurst, died in the early hours of this morning…
Brian Butcher – Ringing/Bell Restoration Work on hold
11th March 2020
I’ve just had an email from Brian Butcher to advise that unfortunately his wife has been taken seriously ill, so for the time being any ringing/bell restoration work that he…
Cancellation of East Farleigh Practice 10th March
3rd March 2020
Please note that the practice at East Farleigh on Tuesday 10th March is cancelled. Susan Clements, Secretary.
General Committee – Bullet Points from 22nd February 2020
2nd March 2020
The salient points from the General Committee meeting held on 22nd February 2020 can now be found on the Resources page, and below for reference: Full details of the AGM…
2020 Handbook Requests – 3 weeks left
1st March 2020
Just a final reminder that there are only 3 weeks left for you to request a copy of the new 2020 Handbook for yourself or on behalf of the members…