
Kent Young Ringers at Kilburn

Some of the Kent Young Ringers recently ventured into London to ring some quarter peals.  The video below from Alex Runting shows them ringing one of them at Kilburn.  Great…

Owen Webster – Funeral Details

This will take place on Monday 13th August, 2pm at St Mary’s Church, Rolvenden, TN17 4LS. There will be open ringing from 1pm.  All who knew Owen will be welcome. …

Highlights from the General Committee Meeting

Highlights from the General Committee meeting held on 28th July are as follows: Proposed Rule Changes – A number of rule changes for decision at the AGM 2019 Easter Monday…

KYR at Quex: 21st July 2018

A lovely summer’s day at Quex: sunshine, 17 under 21’s ( and a few “oldies”), ringing, ball games and fun, sausages and burgers grilled to perfection by our one and…