
A mobile ring for the KCACR?

The Association has been generously donated a light ring of 6 bells (tenor 0.75cwt) and is considering the creation of a mobile ring for the County, at a cost of…

Advanced Notice – District Outing 2017

Hot on the heels of the recent District Outing to Oxford, I am pleased to announce that next year we will be heading into London on Saturday 20th May. Slightly…

Review of the Central Council: Part 1

Developing a clear vision Background to the Review At the meeting of the Central Council (CC) in Portsmouth last May, the Council passed a motion which set up an independent…

New Rochester District Email List

To aid better communication with ALL ringers in the Rochester District, we have setup a new email list that will be used to contact everyone about news, events and other…

Borden Bellringers – New website

The ringers at Borden have created their own website, which is now available in the ‘Links to Local Website’ section on the homepage.  Click here to head there now to…