
Report from the AGM

Despite Storm Katie trying her best to stop us from getting about on the morning of Easter Monday with fallen trees and closed bridges plenty of ringers ventured out to…

Touch for the County 8-bell 2016

The method for the County 8-bell Striking Competition this year, to be held on Saturday 2nd July, is Grandsire Triples.  The touch is below, provided by Daniel Brady: 238 Grandsire…

YouTube Weekly – Week 153

Ab Kettleby were a ring of three until January of this year when they were finally augmented to six.  Hear the original three and the new six.  Enjoy! Note: if…

Salient Point from recent General Committee Meeting

The following is an abbreviated summary of the salient points of the meeting held on 27th February: The vacant CC Representative position for the remainder of this triennium will be filled…

AGM Update

The KCACR AGM is being hosted by the Rochester District this year, based around Tunstall.  Full details about the day including timings, tower routes and lunch menu are available to…