
Ashford District Update August 2023

Thanks to those who attended our business meeting at Tenterden last month – we had 32 ringers present! It was great to see so many people. The minutes from the…
hawkhurst sq

Tonbridge District Practice : 2nd September 2023

HAWKHURST St Laurence, TN18 4NT (8) 10:00-12:00 on 2nd September 2023 Saturday 2nd September sees the next District Practice at St. Laurence, Hawkhurst 10:00-12:00. There are 8 bells and a good…

Teaching Bell Handling – Update

The ART (The Association of Ringing Teachers) ‘Teaching Bell Handling’ course on Saturday 28th October 2023 in the Tonbridge District is now full. I have not been able to accommodate nine…

New Vicar at Cranbrook

I have the pleasure to announce that St Dunstan’s, Cranbrook will have a new Vicar.  The Venerable Richard King he will be inducted on Wednesday 25th October at 7:00pm, and…

Words from the Chair – August 2023

My words are a little later than usual this month having been enjoying a few days holiday in the Provence region of France. There, like here, the sound of bells…