Lewisham District – Newsletter

Lewisham District Newsletter

The first district newsletter produced by Debbie and Alexander Runting can be found below. Enjoy!
Lewisham district – Horton Kirby

District Practice at Horton Kirby

29 people from at least 10 different towers squeezed in Horton Kirby for the February district practice. Expertly run by Ruth, everyone got to ring something that they wanted to.…

Ashford District Update February 2023 Thank you to all those who came to Hythe last month. Click here for the draft minutes, for adoption at the March business meeting. Our…

Tonbridge District Surprise Minor Practice

Saturday 25th February 2023 : 19:00-20:30 : ‘Surprise Minor Practice’ St Bartholomew Otford TN14 5PD (6, 10-1-7 in Ab. GF. WC) We will concentrate on Cambridge, Bourne and Norwich. Other…