
Remembrance Service

Since March last year, we have been unable to remember and celebrate ringers who have died in our usual way because of Covid restrictions. The Association has now arranged an…

Ashford District update – July 2021

Ringing Room  David Robinson, Ashford District Ringing Master, will be running another Ringing Room session from 10.30am – 11.10am on Saturday 17th July 2021.  If you haven’t done this before but…
KCACR logo – Lewisham district

Virtual Quarterly Meeting/Practice

The Lewisham District Quarterly Meeting will take place via Zoom on Saturday 10th July at 10am, followed by a shortened District Practice. If you would like to attend, please send…

Maidstone DQM Saturday 3 July

The Maidstone District Quarterly Meeting takes place on Saturday 3 July at 10.30 a.m via Zoom. If you wish to attend the Meeting, please contact Betsy Piercey, , for the…
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Rochester District Practice – 17th July

We have been able to arrange to use The Maypole Mini-Ring for an outdoor District Practice at The Harrow Pub, Stockbury on the afternoon of the 17th July. The pub…