Canterbury District Plain Hunt/Plain Bob Practice on Saturday 3rd December at St Clement Sandwich from 9.30 to 11am.
This District Practice is aimed at those who have had some experience of ringing Plain Hunt or Plain Bob and would like to gain further practice with an experienced band and to meet with others at a similar stage of ringing as themselves.
NOTE: As this is a 1½hr practice rather than a full day Ringing School those with no experience of ringing the methods may not gain a great deal from the session.
The District Ringing Masters would like to hear from those interested in coming to the practice, and from more experienced ringers who could help, by Saturday 26-Nov-2022. Please indicate which method(s) you wish to ring, and let us know if there are any particular aspects of ringing the methods that you are struggling with.
Can tower leaders/teachers with ringers who would benefit from this practice please encourage them to consider coming along and, where practical, to join them as a general helper and someone who can provide them with specific assistance.
Please send your details by email, no later than Saturday 26-Nov-2022, to:
giving (Your Name, Tower, Method(s) you wish to ring [or indicate you are a helper], and any topics you would like particular help with).