What have you been doing during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Please could those who have been doing something related to bell ringing, whether Ringing Room, social chats with other ringers, striking competitions or some thing else, let Caroline Stockmann our PR Officer know () so she can once again approach the press to get some publicity for ringing. She’d like Read more…

2021 Handbook Requests

The new handbook for 2021 is currently being prepared.  As in previous years all members will have access to an online copy, this year through their membership record.  If, however, you would like a printed copy then please complete the form at the following link: 2021 Handbook Request Every tower Read more…

Additions to the Resources page

The following have just been uploaded to the Resources page: 2019 AGM Adopted Minutes 2020 AGM Draft Minutes Adopted 2nd May 2020 General Committee Meeting minutes If you have any comments on the draft 2020 AGM minutes, please send them to the General Secretary.

KCACR Virtual Pub Quiz

Following on from the success of the last virtual quiz night, we are holding another one this coming Saturday 11th July at 7.30pm as part of our arrangements for AGM day. If you would like to take part, please follow the link below to register: https://VMware.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sAuS4U91SQ-plWfK-m6kPg As before, the virtual quiz will be run Read more…