Rochester District News
Young Ringers Practice – Jan 2014
I have just been advised that there will be a Kent Young Ringers practice at Ashford (10, 21-2-22 in Eb) on Saturday 25th January, from 2-4pm. All young ringers and abilities welcome.
I have just been advised that there will be a Kent Young Ringers practice at Ashford (10, 21-2-22 in Eb) on Saturday 25th January, from 2-4pm. All young ringers and abilities welcome.
It’s 1st December, so the Xmas lights & snow have gone up on the site again today. There’s also a Christmas Countdown so you know just how many days you’ve got left to do your Xmas shopping!
The Archives page has been updated to include the bullet points of matters arising from the County Committee meeting held on 30th November (listed under District Reps Reports). You can also view them directly by clicking here.
For those that couldn’t make it to the practice at the Piltdown House Campanile on 16th November, here’s a short sample of what you missed! Have a look at my YouTube channel (dougdavis22) for a couple of other clips from here too. Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, Read more…
Well we’ve certainly done better than last year! The table below shows the quarter peals rung in the District since 1st November to date (29th November), and even if the footnote doesn’t specifically say so I have had confirmation that all of these quarters can be associated with QP month: Read more…
Suffolk is the destination this week, and some lovely half-muffled ringing on the back 10 of the 12 at St. Mary-le-Tower, Ipswich. Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Player which you can get here.
As you should all know, November is Quarter Peal month in the Rochester District. The good news is that we have done better than last year already! The table below shows the quarter peals rung in the District since 1st November to date (20th November), and even if the footnote Read more…
It seems fitting this week for me to share a video of some of the final ringing on the bells of The Victoria Tower, Chatham, before they make their journey to their new home in Cornwall. This is part of a peal of Medway Surprise Major being rung on Saturday Read more…
On Saturday 16th November from 10am to midday, there will be an extra District Practice at the Piltdown House Campanile in St. Mary’s Platt. The campanile has a mini-ring of 12 bells owned by Phil and Liz Barnes, with a tenor weighing just 22lbs, the bells being hung in the Read more…
Just a quick reminder about the open ringing taking place at Chatham tomorrow before the bells are removed. Ringing is from 10am to 2pm, and you will need to bring a torch with you as there is no electricity in the building and it’s dark, particularly on the staircase. A Read more…