Rochester District News
The Rochester District Committee wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2013.
Rochester District News
YouTube Weekly – Week 40
Looking forward to 2013 and our District Outing to Hampshire, here’s a clip of the 12 bells at Portsmouth Cathedral – hopefully one of the towers we will ring at on the day (if they’re available). It’s not Little Bob Cinques by the way – it’s Little Bob Maximus. Enjoy! Read more…
Rochester District News
Report from the Carol Service
A bright and sunny afternoon welcomed the 21 ringers to Bobbing for the Rochester District Carol Service on Saturday 15th December. 9 of the 40 towers in the District were represented. Ringing was organised by Ringing Master Diana Wraight and ranged from rounds and call changes to Norwich Surprise Minor. Read more…
Rochester District News
YouTube Weekly – Week 39
A slightly different take on how to ring the back 8 of a 37cwt twelve this week – Devon Call Change ringing from St. Peter Mancroft in Norwich. Notice the multiple strappers on the back bells to ring them up in peal! Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, Read more…
Rochester District News
YouTube Weekly – Week 38
Originally cast by Whitechapel in 1968 and hung in Brompton, North Yorkshire, this week’s bells were transferred to Denholme in 2008. A very light ring of 8, I really like the sound of them and I think Whitechapel are particularly good at getting rings of this weight right. Enjoy! Note: Read more…
Rochester District News
New Bells for Strood
St. Nicholas, Strood is to have a new ring of 8 bells installed to replace the current set of 10 tubular bells. Interest was shown in this scheme after the tubular bells were rung for the Olympics. More info on the KCACR Website.
Rochester District News
Christmas Decorations Up!
We’re only a few weeks away from Christmas, so the site has had some lights put up and a dusting of snow added.
Rochester District News
YouTube Weekly – Week 37
Off to London this week for the first ring on a new set of bells in Kilburn. I say new, actually the bells themselves aren’t new – the ‘youngest’ being cast in 1902! They have been hung & tuned by Whites of Appleton, and I think they have done a Read more…