Chris Funnell

Many of you will know Margaret Funnell, former KCACR General Secretary.  Sadly her husband, Chris, passed away recently from a long-term heart condition. For those that knew him, Margaret wanted you to know that his funeral will be on Wednesday 22nd September, 2pm at Hoo St. Werbugh church.  She has Read more…

Virtual District Practice – 16th February

We are holding a Virtual District Practice on Tuesday 16th February 2021 on Zoom and Ringing Room at 7.30pm.  Zoom and Ringing Room details will be emailed before the event. If you are interested in taking part, please email me (). We hope to see you all there. Margaret Funnel

Emma Cundiff

I am very sad to report that, after a short illness, Emma Cundiff of Tunstall passed away this morning.  Our thoughts are with Stuart and Rachel at this difficult time. More details will follow as appropriate in due course.