"/> Highlights from the General Committee Meeting – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

Highlights from the General Committee meeting held on 28th July are as follows:

Proposed Rule Changes – A number of rule changes for decision at the AGM 2019 Easter Monday 22nd April are envisaged.  Details will be circulated to District Secretaries by 1st September 2018 for consideration at Annual District Meetings this October.  To date the proposed rule changes relate to:-

  • Quorum of General Committee to be reduced from 8 to 6 to reflect the reduced size of the committee agreed at last year’s AGM.
  • To ensure that at least two of the three BRF Trustees be present when grant decisions are made.
  • Subscription category changes in order to generate sufficient funds to balance income against expenditure.

Peal Fee Review – Decision deferred to 23rd February 2019 General Committee but understood that any excess peal fees would be used for the Training Fund.  Full details from or comments to the Association Chairman Phil Barnes.

Role Descriptions – The Chairman is developing a list of essential tasks that need to be undertaken at District Level with a suggested division of such tasks amongst the officers in a typical district.

General Data Protection Regulations – To ensure the Association is fully compliant with the GDPR an annual check for consents would be undertaken at the same time as Membership Subscription renewals.

Reinvigorating Ringing in Kent – Association Chairman Phil Barnes has met with District Officers to review and share information and ideas about what is happening in each district.  Common issues emerged; importance of maintaining interest amongst ringers at every level of experience, training structures, activities across-district boundaries, improving basic ringing training, group teaching hubs, co-ordination of teaching and development of trainers.  A second meeting focussed on recruitment, effective teaching of bell-handling with the aim of one ringer per rope in the Association by the AGM 2021, proactive approach to training events, advanced practices and improved communication.  Please contact Phil Barnes to support and engage with reinvigorating ringing in Kent.

Mid-week 10 bell practices on Association-wide basis – Dates will be circulated shortly for bi-monthly 10-bell practices with an initial focus on Stedman and simple surprise.

Treasurer Notice – Margaret Funnell reminds members that she would be standing down as Association Treasurer at the AGM 2019.  Please speak with Margaret if you wish to know more and/or offer yourself for nomination to this important role.

Training Officer – David Grimwood hopes to help increase the number of accredited Mentors in Kent to support those undertaking ARTS training courses.  Course fee funding is available from the Association.  A Leadership Skills Course is envisaged on 17th November 2018, location to be confirmed.  David Grimwood encourages ringers to contact him with requests or ideas for training events and to share experience on recruitment and retention.

Safeguarding – David Grimwood and Nigel Spencer have an impressive grasp of safeguarding issues.  Dioceses are providing online Safeguarding training for all ringers through courses C0 and C1 and a half-day course C2 for those who are required to have a clear DBS check.  Dates and venues for District C2 courses will be circulated shortly.  The Rochester Diocese is organising C2 Safeguarding courses on Monday 1st October and Saturday 1st December (venues to be confirmed).

Youth Activities – Kent Young Ringers have been extremely busy over the past three months – follow this link to the Kent Youth pages for details.  Another quarter peal day is being organised by the young people on 6th August.  A Young Ringers’ Programme for 2019 is being drawn up.  Work to create a Youth Competition Trophy is progressing.  A practice band to take part in the County 6-bell competition is yet to be confirmed.  A change in the competition rules may be needed in future for them to compete in their own right.

Bell Restoration – Follow the link to the latest Bell Restoration Report by Brian Butcher.  A grant of £490 was approved for the repair of the Lydd tenor clapper.

Milton Regis Ringing Centre – Association support was requested to secure Heritage Lottery Funding (HLF) to develop Milton Regis into a ringing centre.  The Association has provided a grant for the rehanging project which is now well under way.  Additional works are envisaged to provide social/teaching space with a kitchen and other facilities for wider community use.  A letter from the Association would encourage HLF support for the Ringing Centre.

Mobile Ring project – Follow this link to the full report on the project to date.  Design work would continue and a full report was requested for the November General Committee to include detailed design and implementation proposals, confirmation that it was fit for purposes, storage and operation proposals to conform to the original agreed outline.

Ringing for the Centenary of the Armistice – 11th November 2018 – Full details had now been circulated nationwide, follow link.  Ringers should liaise with their local churches and communities in order to participate fully and appropriately.

Ringing Competitions – A Kent band would take part in the Essex Trophy on 8th September at Horsham.  The County 6-bell competition is on 22nd September 2018 at Upchurch, 9.45am draw.  Kent Young Ringers will take part in an inter-District Youth competition on 3rd November 2018 at Kingsnorth, 1.45pm draw.  Kent ringers up to the age of 25 would be eligible to take part.

London Ringers’ Advent Carol Service 03/12/2018  19:30  at St Giles in the Field, Holborn.  Members of the KCACR have been invited to take part in this event.  Please contact Margaret Peirce direct if you wish to attend;

Frank Lewis Memorial Board – The design and cost of the Peal Board was agreed.  A full report would be contained in the next Handbook.

South East England Youth Striking Competition – KCACR will be hosting this event on 6th April 2019.  Six to eight teams from across the South East could be expected.  Volunteers to help run the day will be needed – please contact Youth Officer, Jen Thomas to offer your assistance.

AGM 2020 alternative date – It was suggested that the AGM be moved away from Bank Holiday Easter Monday from 2020.  Doug Davis offered to write a proposal for the 24th November Committee, so please let him have ideas or views.

Dates of next General Committee meetings24th November 2018.  General Committee dates for 2019 were agreed as 23/02/2019, 27/04/2019, 27/07/2019 & 30/11/2019.

Sue Bassett
General Secretary