Read more…"/> Rochester District Surprise Major Practice: Sat 21st Sep 3pm Milton Regis – Kent County Association of Change Ringers
The next Rochester District Practice will be on Saturday, 21st September, 3 pm – 4:30 pm at Holy Trinity, Milton Regis, ME10 2HA.  This practice will focus on surprise major ringing, in particular, Cambridge, Yorkshire, Superlative and London Surprise Major.  If you have learnt any of these surprise major methods but haven’t had much opportunity to ring them, this practice is for you.  If you ring surprise minor regularly and aspire to surprise major, please learn the line for Cambridge Surprise Major (which extends from 6 to 8 fairly sensibly) and come and have a go.  If you use to ring any of them, but are rusty, then it should be worth doing a bit of revision!  We hope to see all our (aspiring) surprise major ringers there.
Forthcoming events:
Sat 19th Oct 3 pm at Tunstall, district practice and ADM
Sat 16th Nov 3 pm at Cuxton, district practice focusing on doubles and minor