
Roger Durrant

I am sad to report that Roger Durrant of Minster-in-Sheppey has passed away recently.  No further details are known currently, but more will be shared in due course.

Rochester District ADM

The Rochester District will be holding a virtual ADM via Zoom on Saturday 17th October at 3pm. Please contact Val Cooper by 10th October if you wish to join the…

Peter Silver

I am sad to report of the death of Peter Silver of Halling in the Rochester District.  Peter died on 9th July, just a few days short of his 82nd…

Rebecca ‘Becky’ Fagg

It is with sadness that we have to report the passing of Rebecca “Becky” Fagg on 23rd March 2020 following a period of illness associated with complications from a lifetime…

Jan Boughton

Sadly we have to announce the death of Jan Boughton of Cliffe.  Jan was an active member of the Cliffe band until she developed alzheimers & sadly could no longer…