Marjorie Matthews
11th August 2016
Marjorie Matthews, long time member of the KCACR, died on 9th August 2016. We are trying to reach as many of her bellringing friends as possible to attend her funeral…
Rochester District Outing to Oxford – Want to join us?
21st July 2016
The Rochester District Outing this year is heading to Oxford on Saturday 10th September. Although tower details aren’t 100{639658ef89bdc5de27b5eb53e049096238667aa7b20a9fe16a207da8f55b25c6} confirmed as yet, the current plan is as follows: 11.00-11.45 New College…
Northfleet Bells Re-dedication – 30th July – CANCELLED
20th July 2016
I have been informed by Derek Wilkinson that unfortunately the re-dedication has been cancelled due to a number of key invitees not being able to attend. Hopefully this will be…
New KCACR website
19th July 2016
The KCACR website – – has been updated and given a new look & feel. Head on over and have a look, I think you’ll like it!
Northfleet Bells Re-dedication – 30th July
18th July 2016
The bells at Northfleet are being re-dedicated on Saturday 30th July, as this was never done when the work was done on them many years ago to get them ringing…