
KCACR AGM – Details

As you should be aware the County AGM is taking place on Easter Monday, 21st April in the Lewisham District.  Details are as follows: Date: Monday 21st APRIL 2014 Service: 12:00 –…

YouTube Weekly – Week 95

One of my own videos this week, recorded during a recent weekend tour to Wiltshire & Hampshire. These are the lovely ring of 4 at Breamore in Hampshire, rung from…

YouTube Weekly – Week 94

Part of a quarter peal of London No.3 Surprise Royal at Christ Church, Swindon this week.  These bells have featured on YouTube Weekly before, but they are a pleasure to…

‘Minor Methods’ Training Session

We are considering holding a Minor Methods training session on the evening of Monday 31st March at Bobbing, but before we confirm this we would like to see the level…

Monthly Practice at Milton Regis

Following the recent appointment of Chris Trafford as Tower Captain at Milton Regis there will now be a practice night held there on the 1st Thursday of every month, starting…