The following is an abbreviated summary of the salient points of the meeting held on 23rd April:
- The accounts for 2013, 2014 and 2015 are all complete and are still with the auditor
- The domain name for the KCACR website has been moved to an alternative (cheaper) hosting company as it came up for renewal
- The handbooks were printed & distributed on time at the AGM at the end of March, and next year we plan to provide an extra copy to each tower to place in church
- An award of £150 was made from the Training Fund to Higham to help them install a simulator to allow them to increase their practice time whilst restricted under a Noise Abatement Order from the local council
- It was agreed that, going forward, awards from the Training Fund up to £250 would be agreed by the Training Officer and one of the trustees (Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer) rather than the Training Officer alone
- The Publicity Officer is going to work to create some ‘ready-to-go’ publicity material that can be used within the County when events occur with media involvement
- An Association consent form for young ringers will be produced with the help of Nigel Spencer
- Kent Young Ringers will be entering a band into the Ringing World National Youth Competition for the first time this year on 2nd July in London
- Congratulations to the Kent Young Ringers band who came 2nd overall (1st ringing call changes) in the South East Youth Competition
- A grant of £1,000 was awarded to Downe for some maintenance work on the bells (total cost approximately £6,000)
- Anyone who hasn’t received a membership card should contact the General Secretary to request one
- A possible project for work on the bells at East Peckham is being considered
- The County 8-bell Striking Competition 2016 will be held on Saturday 2nd July, 9.45am draw, in the Canterbury District. Tower TBC, but likely Herne
- The County 6-bell Striking Competition 2016 will be held on Saturday 24th September, 9.45am draw, in the Lewisham District at Farnborough.
- The County Youth Striking Competition 2016 will be held on Saturday 22nd October. Tower TBC, potentially Otford.
- The upcoming dates of the General Committee meetings in 2016 are 27th August and 26th November
Doug Davis, Hon. General Secretary