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130 shares were sold last season raising a massive £731 to be shared between KCACR funds, Bell Restoration, Training, and Kent Young Ringers. We’re off to a pretty good start this year too with 128 shares sold so far.

If you do not already participate in the Tonbridge District 120 Club then please consider buying a share, or shares! You can download an application form here or contact or on 07973 123 323. Click here to see the TD120 Club rules and conditions, which explain how the club works. Thank you. 

Tessa Worthington, Tonbridge District 120 Club Promoter

Draw Date First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Witnessed By
1st February
23 Brenchley
81 Leigh
20 Leigh
Participants : Chiddingstone
District Practice
4th January
57 Sevenoaks
68 Sevenoaks
22 Otford
Participants : Brenchley
District Quarterly Meeting
7th December
80 Leigh
24 Brenchley
47 Brenchley
Participants : Speldhurst
Christmas Ringing
2nd November
112 Leigh
107 Cranbrook
108 Brasted
Participants : Tunbridge Wells
District Practice
5th October
68 Sevenoaks
Bonus £31.50
84 Sundridge
82 Speldhurst
60 Speldhurst
Participants : Hawkhurst
District Annual Meeting