Read more" >Read more" >Read more" >"/> Tonbridge District 120 Club – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

Thank you so much to all who contributed to the £696.60 raised for the KCACR during 2022/2023. Shareholder preference resulted in the following donations.

Bell Restoration £228.39 | Training £228.39 | Kent Young Ringers £239.82

The 2023/24 season kicked off at the ADM at Hadlow on 7th October with 122 shares sold. A bonus prize draw is made at the ADM when more than 120 shares have been sold, so there was a bonus prize. Thanks again to all who have bought shares.

If you do not already participate in the Tonbridge District 120 Club then please consider buying a share, or shares! You can download an application form here or contact or on 07973 123 323. Click here to see the TD120 Club rules and conditions, which explain how the club works. Thank you. 

Tessa Worthington, Tonbridge District 120 Club Promoter

Draw Date First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Witnessed By
1st June
8 Chevening
44 Brenchley
68 Sevenoaks
Participants : Brasted
District Practice
4th May
27 Brenchley
89 Chevening
66 Sevenoaks
Participants : Appledore
District Outing
6th April
29 Chevening
100 Kemsing
126 Shipbourne
Participants : Goudhurst
District Quarterly Meeting
2nd March
20 Leigh
33 Cowden
16 Otford
Participants : Hever
District Practice
3rd February
125 Shipbourne
128 Penshurst
40 Hadlow
Participants : Chevening
District Practice
6th January
7 Chevening
9 Speldhurst
114 Cowden
Participants : Penshurst
District Quarterly Meeting
3rd December
124 Sevenoaks
92 Brasted
43 Brenchley
Participants : Lamberhurst
District Christmas Ringing
4th November
28 Chevening
45 Hadlow
8 Chevening
Participants : Kemsing
District Practice
7th October
78 Otford
Bonus £9
53 Speldhurst
108 Brasted
51 Lamberhurst
Participants : Hadlow
District Annual Meeting