It appears that we may be fewer in number than originally anticipated (weddings, school sports etc). We may, therefore, compress the planned sessions into the morning only at Kemsing 10-12. Please keep an eye out for emails and updates.
Young ringers have been busy ringing at their local towers to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and for the proclamation of the new King, Charles III. 3 youngsters aged 9 were able to ring in rounds for the first time after school on Friday 9th September at Seal St Lawrence, along with Matthew, head teacher, Alison Saunders and parent, Matt Durling. Matthew(10), who has been learning since March and rang for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June, was also thrilled to come out of lessons and help put muffles on to the bells in the very compact tower.
(Special thanks to our dedicated helpers)
Jennifer Thomas