Read more…"/> Words from the Chair – February 2025 – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

In my December Words, I mentioned a project that I had been working on with the Central Council linked to the Ringing 2030 initiative. This is going to take the form of a Ringing Discovery Day and will be based in the Medway area. The reasons for choosing this area are because it is a very highly populated conurbation but I believe that the percentage of the population that ring in this area is lower than the national average.
The day will be based at an easily accessible tower and I am hoping that we will be able to not only demonstrate ringing but give members of the public a chance to have a quick go at ringing a backstroke or chiming a bell (under instruction) as well as talk to ringers, be able to look at ringing based materials and hopefully discover that ringing is an activity that they feel they may like to become part of. This will then be followed up with an intensive training opportunity where ringing teachers will endeavour to bring the new recruits to at least the ART Level 1 standard prior to introducing the new recruits to towers where they can continue their learning journey. We are hoping to recruit 100 new members to the Association as a result of this project.
Such projects have been tried in other areas to great success and I am hopeful that it will be the same here in Kent. However, we are being very ambitious about our outcomes from this project and it will not be something that can be done without the help of many volunteers. In due course, I will be seeking help from members of the Association to ensure that this project can be successful. I am currently awaiting for the intended venue to confirm availability and will then be able to let you know more and hopefully put it in your diaries.
Sue Bassett, our Training Officer, has said that both the M1 and M2 ART courses that have been arranged in March are fully booked. This is really encouraging to hear and I do hope that those who have signed up will be able to follow the course through and gain accreditation with ART. Because demand has been so high this year, we are already arranging to run further courses for both M1 and M2 in the Spring but these are likely to be filled up very quickly.
When I compare Kent with other associations and guilds, I still notice that we are, comparatively speaking, lacking in accredited ringing teachers. We do need to bear in mind that some people use an online enquiry to find out about how to learn to ring and they are directed to the ART website. By becoming accredited, it ensures that any potential new ringer is then put in touch with you. Please do contact Sue Bassett if you have completed the M1 course and feel that you are ready to be assessed as an M1 Teacher as it would be really good if we were able to offer more accredited training towers within the Association.
Another thing that Sue made me aware of and that I think is an excellent idea is something that is done in the Tonbridge District. When a tower is hosting a Tonbridge District meeting, they place an ‘A’ board outside the church which briefly outlines what is happening so that passers-by know why the bells are ringing and what we are about. Perhaps this is something that other Districts might consider?
As I mentioned last month, this year marks the end of my term of office as Chairman and I will be standing down at the Association AGM at Sevenoaks on Monday 21st April. The Association will need a new Chairman and it is a role that I have thoroughly enjoyed. As well as chairing the AGM on Easter Monday and the General Committee Meetings, of which there are 4 a year (usually in February, April, July and November), the post gives the holder an opportunity to steer the Association forward and promote and develop the interests of the Association. Please do feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about the role.
Neil Jones
KCACR Chairman

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