Funerals Arrangements – Revd Stanley M Evans and Brian Johnson
13th January 2020
Revd Stanley M Evans our late Vice-President, (KCACR 1944-2019) has passed away. The funeral service – a requiem Mass – will be held at St Saviour’s, Westgate-on-Sea on Thursday 16th…
Maidstone Quarterly Meeting and District Practice at Mereworth
12th January 2020
Many thanks to Mereworth for hosting the Maidstone Quarterly Meeting and District Practice in their beautiful church. Thanks to Terry for leading the ringing which ranged from rounds and call…
Ashford District Ringing and Quarterly Meeting
11th January 2020
The next Ashford district meeting will be taking place at Wye (TN25 5BP) on Saturday 18th January. This is a Quarterly District Meeting so that means a business meeting will…
Touch for the 8-bell competition
11th January 2020
The method for the Association 8-bell Striking Competition being held in June at Chiddingstone is Stedman Triples, and the touch is as follows: The composition is available on Complib at…
Lewisham District Newsletter January ’20
Rupert Cheeseman
11th January 2020
The latest edition of the newsletter is now available and a hard copy should be making it’s way to each tower in the district. Newsletter download Upcoming district events: Fri…