chiding stone sq

Tonbridge District Surprise Major Practice

Thursday 9th November 2023 : 19:30-21:00 : ‘Surprise Major Practice’ CHIDDINGSTONE St Mary the Virgin, TN8 7AH (8, 17-0-3 in Eb. UC. WC) We will be ringing methods from the…

Canterbury District Bye Meeting

The Next Canterbury District Bye meeting will be held on Saturday 11th November at Thanington. Ringing from 2pm, Service at 3.30 followed by tea, meeting and further ringing if requested.…
well done

Ringing Triumphs in the Tonbridge District

Tonbridge District Quarter Peal and Ringing Triumphs fortnight is 1st-14th November this year. A triumph can be any milestone or first that a ringer has reached, it could even be…