
YouTube Weekly – Week 40

Looking forward to 2013 and our District Outing to Hampshire, here’s a clip of the 12 bells at Portsmouth Cathedral – hopefully one of the towers we will ring at…

Report from the Carol Service

A bright and sunny afternoon welcomed the 21 ringers to Bobbing for the Rochester District Carol Service on Saturday 15th December.  9 of the 40 towers in the District were…

YouTube Weekly – Week 39

A slightly different take on how to ring the back 8 of a 37cwt twelve this week – Devon Call Change ringing from St. Peter Mancroft in Norwich.  Notice the…

YouTube Weekly – Week 38

Originally cast by Whitechapel in 1968 and hung in Brompton, North Yorkshire, this week’s bells were transferred to Denholme in 2008.  A very light ring of 8, I really like…