
North West Ringing Course

The Northwest Residential Ringing Course runs from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th August 2022. This new course, held in the North West of England, welcomes ringers from all over the…
T-Shirt Logo KCACR Cant District-2

Canterbury District Striking Competition

Canterbury District Striking Competition on Saturday 14th May at Monkton. Draw at 2.45, ringing from 3pm. Tea will be available throughout the competition. Service after the ringing followed by a…
Lewisham district – Chislehurst Ann

District Practice, Sat 14th May, 10am

The next district practice is next Saturday 14th May from 10am to 12 at Chislehurst, The Annunciation. A large first floor ring of 8. Entrance at the base of the…

Ashford District Update – 5 May 2022

Our next District Meeting will be a ringing meeting (with no business) on Saturday, 21st May at St. Nicholas, Newington-next-Hythe (CT18 8AX) from 10.30 -12.30.   Tea and coffee will be…