Wills & Legacies

For anyone wishing to leave a sum of money to the Association in their will, a suitable clause to be added to a will is now available on the Wills & Legacies page.  The link to this has also been added to F.L.A.U.N.T on the right-hand side of the home Read more…

Video of the Week

The bells of St. Clement Danes on The Strand in London are a wonderful ring of 10 from Whitechapel, the tenor having to be recast in 1979 after it was rung after a chiming hammer had been fiddled with and major damage was caused.  Here we have the back 8 Read more…

Video of the Week

Off to Bristol this week, and the only ring of 5 bells in the City that were rehung in a new frame in 1982.  Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Player which you can get here.

Video of the Week

This week we have some lovely ringing on the 1900 Taylor 10 at St. Mary, Beverley in East Yorkshire.  Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Player which you can get here.