Maidstone District Outing – 15th October

Please find below the confirmed itinerary for our District Outing to Surrey on Saturday 15th October 2022. If you and/or other ringers in your tower would like to come, please let me know names as soon as possible by email to .  Lunch at the pub will need to be Read more…

Ringing Roadshow – Sunday 4th September

As part of the Central Council’s Annual Meeting weekend in Nottingham, a Ringing Roadshow has been organised for Sunday 4th September.  The website has details of all the speaker sessions, exhibitors and other attractions – and it is open to all ringers, not just Central Council members.

Memorandum to All Members

The aims of the Kent County Association of Change Ringers are: the establishment, maintenance and encouragement of service ringing in the churches in its area the recognition of ringers as church workers the proper care and use of bells and belfries the cultivation of the art of change ringing the Read more…

John Betts

I am sad to report the death of John Betts of Harrietsham.  John passed away whilst at home with his family in the early morning of Saturday 11the June.  There will be a service to commemorate his life at Harrietsham Church at 2.30pm on Saturday 27th August.