Read more…"/> Central Council Elections 2018 – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

Due to an even more increased workload this year, as well as an ailing parent, Caroline Stockmann does not have the time to do justice to the Public Relations Officer role, and is reluctantly stepping down to open the opportunity for someone else to do what is a very worthwhile and enjoyable role.

Please draw this opportunity to your ringers’ attention and circulate widely – you do NOT need to be a Council Member already to stand for election to this position.

You also don’t need to be a Council Member already to stand for election to the proposed new Executive, and again please draw this opportunity to your ringers’ attention.

Nominations, duly proposed and seconded by Council Members, must reach me by 27 March. A nomination form and the formal notice of the meeting are on the Council’s website at

Best wishes,

Mary Bone
Hon. Secretary, Central Council