Call Change Comp zoom meet
On Saturday 21st November, the district held it’s first ever virtual striking competition. 4 teams took up the challenge of ringing call changes on Ringing Room and Caroline Stockmann kindly agreed to judge. Thankfully there were no major technical issues and everyone completed their test piece of 120 call changes successfully.
Everyone rang well with some impressive scores and the result was as follows:
1st Crayford 93%
2nd Eltham 93%
3rd Chelsfield 92%
4th Ash 90%
As you can see, the scores were very high with a tie for first place. However, the judge awarded first place to the Crayford band due to their better speed……as was pointed out, had we been ringing a peal, the Crayford band would have been down the pub a whole hour before the Eltham band!Thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday morning and helped to make the competition a success. Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves. With the way things are going, it looks like we’ll be doing a method one in March!

Call Change Winners 2020 – Crayford