Read more…"/> Proposals for the 2018 AGM – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

The following proposals are to be shared as widely as possible among members of the Association, and should be discussed at Annual District Meetings in October 2017.  Feedback should be given via District Representatives to the Association General Committee meeting on 25th November 2017.

For a single document to print for reading offline, you can download a PDF from here.

AGM 2018 Proposals – Providing a future for the KCACR

Proposal 1: Replace the ‘Chairman’ at District and Association levels with a ‘Master’

Proposed by Daniel Brady

Over the last year, much thought has been given to the question of whether the Association is meeting its aims.  What we (as an association) appear to be lacking is a real focus on ringing.

At present, there is no position required by the rules that really seeks to look after ringing either at Association or District level.  Currently each District is required to have a Secretary and two representatives, the role of Secretary is obvious in its necessity and a link with the general committee is important also, however neither of these positions are about ringing.  While most Districts do appoint a Chairman and a Ringing Master, sadly this is not always case.

The most important of these two positions is really Ringing Master, with Chairman not really fitting the bill in terms of meeting the Associations aims.  A good Ringing Master, as with a good tower captain, can make or break ringing they manage, and it is here that we need to focus and build on.

Making this change would ensure that each District appoints a Master whose role is that of Chairman and Ringing Master, to oversee and to run the ringing within their district.  It is also an opportunity to bring better cohesion between the Districts by direct communication between all the District Masters and the Association Master regarding ringing.

Role descriptions for both District and Association Master can be found at the end of this proposal document.

Proposal 2: Reduce the size of the General Committee

Proposed by Doug Davis

The General Committee has changed and grown over the years, to the point where it has now become far too large to effectively manage the business of running the Association.  If all current members (as per the rules) were to attend a Committee meeting, there would be 34 people in the room.  This is far too large and can make it difficult to reach agreement on important matters, as well as resulting in longer meetings than are necessary.  Should the proposed rule changes be accepted, the General Committee would be reduced to a more effective number of 16.

Also, the addition of the role of Youth Officer that has been in place for the past 2 years has not been reflected in the rules – these proposed rule changes seek to correct this omission and make the Youth Officer an official member of the General Committee.

These proposed rule changes also consider the proposed replacement of the Chairman of the Association with a Master, details of which are outlined above.


If the above proposals and following rule changes are passed, the new General Committee structure will take effect as of the AGM on 2nd April 2018, and would be elected as such.

One exception to the above will be that current District Representatives, elected at Annual District Meetings in October 2017, will remain on the General Committee until October 2018, when new District Committees are elected.  The final, new General Committee would therefore meet for the first time in November 2018.

Proposed rule changes to support Proposal 1 (amended wording highlighted)

Rule 6(i)

As it stands today:

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall take place between Easter and 31 July. At this meeting the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Peal Secretary, Librarian and any other necessary officers shall be elected. A Registered Auditor or Independent Examiner shall also be elected.

Proposed replacement for Rule 6(i):

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall take place between Easter and 31 July. At this meeting all necessary Officers of the Association shall be elected as well as any other Officers as required.  A Registered Auditor or Independent Examiner shall also be elected.

Rule 7(iii)

As it stands today:

The quarterly meeting of each District immediately before the General Committee meeting in November or December shall be the Annual District Meeting, at which a District Secretary shall be elected. Two District Representatives to serve on the General Committee for the ensuing year shall also be elected. Other District officers may be elected at the discretion of District members. If a District committee is convened the District Secretary and District representatives shall be ex officio members of any such committee.

Proposed replacement for Rule 7(iii)

The quarterly meeting of each District immediately before the General Committee meeting in November or December shall be the Annual District Meeting, at which a District Master and District Secretary shall be elected.  The District Master will serve on the General Committee for the ensuing year.  Other District officers may be elected at the discretion of District members. If a District committee is convened the District Master and District Secretary shall be ex officio members of any such committee.

Rule 8(ii)

As it stands today:

The District Representatives shall:

  • Inform District meetings of matters discussed and approved by the General Committee.
  • Bring appropriate District matters to the General Committee for discussion.

Proposed replacement for Rule 8(ii)

The District Master shall:

  • run business meetings, oversee/run ringing within their district and liaise with the Association Master regarding ringing within their district.
  • Inform District meetings of matters discussed and approved by the General Committee.
  • Bring appropriate District matters to the General Committee for discussion.


Rule 12

Replace the word Chairman in line 1 with the word Master.

Rule 15(iii)

Replace the word Chairman in line 1 with the word Master.

Proposed rule changes to support Proposal 2 (amended wording highlighted)

Rule 5

As it stands today:

Government of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee who, beside any other meetings, shall always meet in November or December, when the day and place of the Annual General Meeting shall be fixed. The General Committee shall consist of the Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Elected Vice Presidents, Bell Restoration Officer, Training Officer, Publicity Officer, Handbook Editor, Webmaster, the Central Council Representatives, and representatives from the districts. Other members, not exceeding three in number, may be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The General Committee shall have power to co-opt further members. Eight members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the General Committee.

Proposed replacement for Rule 5:

Government of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee who, beside any other meetings, shall always meet in November or December, when the day and place of the Annual General Meeting shall be fixed.  The General Committee shall consist of the following:

  • Master
  • Honorary General Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer
  • Training Officer
  • Youth Officer
  • Central Council Representatives (5)
  • District Masters (one from each District) (6)

In addition to the above the Publicity Officer shall be invited to attend General Committee meetings as an observer, to support the work of the General Committee.

The Master, Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be deemed as necessary Officers.  The General Committee shall have power to co-opt further members if required to fulfil a specific task or provide a skill. Eight members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the General Committee.

Draft Role Descriptions for ‘Master’

Association Master


Promote and strengthen ringing at all levels across Kent:

  • adopting and sustaining a strategic approach to recruitment, training and continuing support for ringers and ringing
  • acting as advocate for ringing and ringers in the public and church arenas

Lead and support District Masters and Association office-holders in their roles
Lead ringing at Association events
Chair the Association AGM and other Association meetings
Ensure that the Association complies with its legal requirements

Personal skills:

A respected and competent ringer, committed to change ringing and Sunday service ringing
Able to collaborate with others, particularly Association and District officer-holders
Experienced in strategic thinking and delivery


Elected for a single three-year period by the Association AGM

District Master


Encourage and inspire ringers at all levels
Aim to establish and maintain a good standard of ringing at all District towers
Collaborate with the Association Master and the Master’s strategy, and participate in Association meetings
Lead ringing at District events, and chair District business meetings

Personal skills:

A respected and competent ringer, committed to change ringing and Sunday service ringing
Able to collaborate with others, particularly Association and District officer-holders


Elected by the District ADM annually