Read more…"/> Rochester District first to receive Training Fund award! – Kent County Association of Change Ringers

Following a proposal submitted to the KCACR General Committee recently, I am please to be able to let you know that the District was successful in obtaining an award of £1,000 to enable us to build a portable simulator setup!

The idea behind the portable simulator is that we will be able to take it to any towers within the District, silence the bells (maximum of 6 currently) and then carry out ringing or training sessions with the use of the Abel Ringing Simulator software (see thereby reducing the amount of ‘noise’ that is made during some sessions.  The equipment could also be used when new bands are being taught.

We also intend to make the equipment available to other Districts/towers and ask them to make a donation to the KCACR Training Fund if they do borrow it.

Some of the equipment is already on order and some (mainly the wireless sensors) are due to be ordered very soon.  I will keep you updated with progress.

Doug Davis, Ringing Master