Ringing for Ray
10th January 2018
Many of you, especially in Rochester District, will at some time have rung with Ray Morgan. You probably also know that last summer Ray was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.…
Ray Morgan – Funeral Arrangements
4th January 2018
Ray Morgan’s funeral will take place at St Margarets Church, St Margaret’s Street, Rochester on Wednesday 17th January at 12:00. This is to be followed by a Wake at ‘Ye…
Bernard Fagg
24th December 2017
Bernard Fagg, long-time ringer and tower captain at Milton Regis, sadly passed away on Thursday 14th December. His funeral will take place at 11am on Friday 5th January at Milton…
Ray Morgan
20th December 2017
I am sorry to announce that Ray Morgan, a longstanding and loyal member of the Rochester Cathedral Company of Bell Ringers and a former Chairman of the Rochester District died…
Rochester District Quarter Peal Month
2nd December 2017
November has in recent years been given over to Quarter Peal Month in the Rochester District, and this year saw a total of 30 quarter peals rung in 15 different…