
YouTube Weekly – Week 88

A grand sounding 8 in Suffolk this week, with some Bristol Surprise Major from Lavenham.  With a long draught, large ringing chamber and uneven rope circle these are said to…

Paul Everest

We’re sorry to learn that Paul died suddenly just before Christmas at the age of 67. He was tower captain at Minster for 25 years and a member of the…

Paul Everest – Funeral Arrangements

Paul Everest died suddenly just before Christmas, he was 67. Paul was Tower Captain at Minster-in-Sheppey for 25 years and a member of the Association for more than 37 years,…

YouTube Weekly – Week 87

For the first instalment of 2014 we’re off to East Pennard in Somerset for some ringing on the heaviest conventional ring of 5 in the world. Enjoy! Note: if the…

Ringing World Calendars 2014 – Sale Now On

The KCACR/Ringing World 2014 calendar is now half price (as of 01/01/14) – only £3.50 per copy!  All profits from these calendars go to the KCACR Bell Restoration Fund.  You…