District Outing – 18th May 2013 – Final Itinerary
25th April 2013
Following on from the earlier post providing you with the draft itinerary, please see below the final itinerary with times included: 8am – Depart Meopham School 10.15 – 11.15 Petersfield,…
YouTube Weekly – Week 56
25th April 2013
Off to The Netherlands this week, and the only set of English-style change ringing bells in Europe. On 13th April this year, 6 peals were rung on this very light…
Ann Fagg
20th April 2013
I have just been given the sad news that Ann Fagg of Milton Regis has passed away today. No further details are available at this time but any further information…
YouTube Weekly – Week 55
18th April 2013
With the funeral of Baroness Thatcher being prominent in the news this week, it seems fitting that this week’s video shows some of the wonderful half-muffled ringing that took place…
Death of Basil Edwards
16th April 2013
We are sorry to hear of the death of Basil Edwards over Easter. More details are available on the District website.