
Grand Draw Results 2010 & 2011

It has recently come to the attention of Sonya Gowdy, Fundraiser for the Rochester District, that the results of the Grand Draws for the past 2 years have not made…

New design for District Website

Doug Davis, the new District webmaster, writes: I have redeveloped the Rochester District website and made it live today [5 February 2012]. The new site is going to be easier…

District Outing 2012

As is now tradition in the Rochester District, there will be a coach outing organised by the Ringing Master, Helen Webb.  This year, the destination is hoped to be the…

Quarter Peal Month 2011

Rochester District Quarter Peal Month 2011 Quarter Peal Month 2011 was held in November and there was an increase in the number of quarters rung compared to 2010.  Read the…

Quarterly District Training

Quarterly District Training Saturday 5th May 10am to 12.30pm Bobbing Methods: Plain Bob Doubles, St Simons Doubles, St Martins Doubles, Reverse Canterbury Doubles The number of learners will be limited…