KYR on Blue Peter

Kent Young Ringers (along with Youngsters from Sussex & Derbyshire) will be appearing on Blue Peter this Thursday (10th), 5.30pm on the CBBC channel.  Watch them being involved in teaching one of the presenters how to ring and then taking part in a Striking Competition with her.  Hoping it will also feature Read more…

Frank Lewis Memorial Peal Board

At Brasted on 1st January the Frank Lewis memorial board was dedicated by Lay Reader Judith Seaward at a ceremony organised by Catherine.  Association Treasurer Margaret Funnell spoke of Frank’s thirty years of dedication to the Association in a range of roles.  The reception which followed was attended by many Read more…

Derek Chatfield

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Derek Chatfield passed away peacefully last night. Derek started his ringing career in St Dunstans, Canterbury then later rang at the Cathedral and Ash-next-sandwich. Derek was also a member of the Coots ringers. Brian Reynolds