Ashford District News
David Gower
I am sad to report that David Gower, long-serving Tower Captain at Saltwood, has recently passed away. More details will follow in due course.
I am sad to report that David Gower, long-serving Tower Captain at Saltwood, has recently passed away. More details will follow in due course.
David Robinson, KCACR District Ringing Master, will be running another Ringing Room session from 10.30 – 11.10am this coming Saturday 20th February 2021. If you haven’t done this before but are interested in taking part please contact David (). You will have to sign up for a Ringing Room account Read more…
KCACR Subscriptions Many thanks to all who have completed their membership renewal, whether online or by the usual method. Please aim to complete your renewal by February 14th at the latest for your name to appear in the new Association handbook. If you wish to do this online you should Read more…
The Ashford District Annual Meeting was held on 17 October 2020. The minutes are here.
i) Phil Barnes, KCACR Chairman will be attending the Ashford District Meeting (ADM) to give an update about the Associations plans to register as a charity. This will be at the ADM under agenda item 6ii) of KCACR matters. Phil Barnes will be attending the ADM to discuss this item Read more…
Thank you to those of you who have already signed up for the District ADM via Zoom on 17th October. Maureen will shortly be sending out the Zoom link for this meeting. If there is anyone else who wishes to join the meeting but who has not yet signed up please Read more…
There has been little ringing activity since March. However, there are two events which the Ashford District Secretary would like to bring to your attention. The first is the District Annual District meeting which is scheduled to take place on Saturday 17th October at 10.30am. Obviously, we will not be able Read more…
It is with deep sadness that I have to let you know that Issy Sinden passed away yesterday morning in the hospice. Issy had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease and her health had deteriorated rapidly during recent weeks. We send sincere condolences to Charles and his family and will Read more…
As everyone will be aware, holding a ‘normal’ funeral during these extraordinary circumstances is basically impossible. Funeral services being broadcast online are now more common, and this has been arranged on Tuesday 12th May at 10.45am for our friend Steve Davis who sadly passed away recently. Anyone who knew Steve Read more…
I am very sad to announce the death this morning of Stephen J Davis (Steve to his friends). He passed to his rest following a short illness, which he bravely fought. Steve initially learned to ring at Woodchurch in 1974, but did most his early ringing at High Halden where Read more…